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scooterack was borne from our first parent visit to Pt. Chevalier Primary School.

School Principal Sandra Aitken made a passing comment that although it was great that so many children were scootering to school she wished there was a tidy way to store them.

That night over a beverage or two in the garage a concept was hatched.

During the following six months prototypes were developed and tested at Pt. Chevalier Primary School resulting in the product you see today.

We hope you like it as much as we do.
Helen and Dave Morgan

"As a Travelwise and Enviroschool we actively encourage our students to get out of the car and come to school on foot.

We don't mind if they come by bike or scooter!

Bikes go in the bike racks, but we had a real health and safety issue with scooters lying around entranceways and walkways throughout the school.​
scooterack has solved this problem for us.
Now all brands of scooters stand tall and ready for their owners to collect them at the end of the day.​


Thanks Dave".

Sandra Aitken - Principal, Pt. Chevalier Primary School

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